"Gravity Ace" Official Towel

That New Day has dawned! Your "Gravity Ace" went all gone in. Wins the pot! Booyah! 

Read on ...

Your “Gravity Ace” is always all about “always be closing”. Never misses an opportunity to stick in the point that Gravity is a good idea. 

It being so ineluctably constant and ever present Gravity fits just about anywhere. [Name one where it don’t.] 

But, I digress. 

This here is the amazing story of how on a fine 4th of July sunny warm day your “Gravity Ace” goes to the beach sporting his just off the press “Gravity Ace” beach towel. [Get your own, win friends and influence people! While supplies last.]

So here our boy is at the beach, with said towel. Coming back from a splash in the Jersey Shore Ocean he sees a crowd gathered round said beach towel. What gives? Well, it turns out that the towel attracted more than a little attention. Everbody wants to know what's with the "Gravity Ace" thing? Literally, ga-ga over "GA". Whereupon our boy doesn't skip a beat and informs his audience about the friggin' simple fact that the Force of Gravity can be enlisted as a vast and profound sustainable resource. You know like in his field Dr. Ida P. Rolf Method — Structural Integration.

What's this? Wow! His cherished hope has come to fruition! The scales have dropped from the eyes of the world! Gravity! It's good for you! 

The crowd erupts with in joyous EUREKA! moment. Of course. Makes sense. Obvious. How'd we miss that for so long? Thank you! Thank you, our very own "Gravity Ace"!

Whereupon the gathered multitude picks him up and carries him off on their shoulders. Marches along, and it just so happens to join the local 4th of July parade. "Gravity Ace" ... home town hero. Keys to the City presentation on a date TBD. 

Subsequently the Board of Education invites our "Gravity Ace" to be a valued advisor to it's stewardship of teaching our youth. Not just in the 3 R's, but in how to proceed through life in a balanced way. Grounded in science, you betcha!

And, mirabile dictu!, the Surgeon General of the United States of America will be putting it into the code an inclusionary provision to add into the definition of health and wellness the idea that balance in respect to the demands of Gravity is GOOD FOR YOU!

Booyah! Thank you "Gravity Ace". [And, you are most welcome. Just another day in the life.]

  “Gravity Ace” is a group for discussing the topic: Ida P. Rolf, PhD stood for the idea of learning to live in cooperative alignment with t...