"Gravity Ace" Q&A [3]

QUESTIONER [Q]: So let’s get into it some more. Tell me all about this Dr. Ida P. Rolf Method Structural Integration thing.

“GRAVITY ACE” [“GA”]: It’s an approach.

[Q]: Approach? To what?

[“GA”]: Toward true balance.

[Q]: Is it the only one?

[“GA”]: There's only one true balance. Gravity pretty much has spoken the last word on that point. As far as approaches go, it's the only one I know. To be sure, everything you do that's good for you goes toward balance. Indirectly. "An Apple a day." This approach is peerless and definitive. It deals directly with the issue of balance of the body as such. 

[Q]: Oh. I see. That business about Gravity, and living in alignment with its requirements. But what is the approach itself? How’s it work? What gives?

[“GA”]: It's 10 sessions. Which add up to a dozen.

[Q]: Huh? How do I get a dozen?

[“GA”]: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. See what I did right there? I got you engaged.

[Q]: Tricky, bugger!

[“GA”]: Actually, there are two sessions after the 10 series you do on your own. 

The first of of those is when you get home and go about doing what you do and you start to notice the changes resulting from your more in-balance body. First, you see what you got. Kind of like taking home the new car and digging it in the driveway. 

Second, you start to use your new skills. Not just that the body has become more efficient with fewer inner frictions, but also how you can literally choose moment to moment between balance and imbalance.

[Q]: On that second one. Choice?

[“GA”]: Presumably, now that you know the direction of balance you also now have the choice to go there. Or, not. The key is "loose and natural". Not rigid. If you wanna slouch, enjoy it. Just don't make it a habit. Actually, you should also be tuned in to the signals the body gives when it is out of balance. Just like that pang of conscience when you're a bad boy. Ouch!

[Q]: What if I don't get it?

[“GA”]: You might be one of those who drag around a long held position that nothing works. I don't work with people for whom nothing works. What's the point? Noting works. But, if you are open to that level of self-inquiry and discovery, then we can work together. You have to want to clean the plate I cook up for you. And, so you should know, as a cook, I'm not bad.

[Q]: So, those10 sessions. All the same?

[“GA”]: Yes, and no. 

The sessions are similar in the sense that each one focuses on that one main goal: inculcating what we respectfully refer to as The Line. An imaginary but real line where the center vertical axis of your body matches up with how Gravity acts; you guessed it ... in a line. Your body arrangement working constructively with Gravity ... that's “Structural Integration”.

[Q]: How do I know I can trust you?

[“GA”]: Trust yourself! From what I've already said, does it make sense to you? Do you want to look into it further? Try it?

One of the huge imbedded teachings in this Structural Integration of mine is honoring your innate intelligence and power of choice. If you like what you've heard so far, maybe give a first session a try. The results happen right away. If it doesn't click, you don't have to continue. And, if it doesn't click, actually I won't want to continue with you. In such an event, it could be that we don't click, the two of us. We work on that too in the first session. But, if at the end you are clueless, I'm not your boy. I do think the work would do you a world of good, but maybe with someone else. Not everybody is my customer.

[Q]: Well, how are the sessions different?

[“GA”]: Each session teaches you something. Not very much at all in realm of what we call “book learning”. Words and concepts. No. It's really more experiential. Like the simple recognition of what's so; like you know if you’re on the beach, or in the water. That kind of knowing. You feel it. Same way you know you exist.

[Q]: Again. What’s the difference one session to the other?

[“GA”]: Each session builds on the other. There’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. [Like a dinosaur. Ha, ha.] Each session has it's own goal(s). And, by the way, in light of the individual session goals, there are obvious territories in the body where the contact and coaching are focused. 

[Q]: Contact and coaching?

[“GA”]: I use my hands. Think of them as pointers. Like, "Feel that there?" "Let's move it there." "Now there." Maybe fingers as lights, revealing what's there. And, by "what's there" we're referring to how it feels. Your felt sense of things. The coaching is about suggesting a movement(s) which engage and leverage with my manual contact; or, sometimes just to have you notice what's what. It's really very simple. Touch your nose. Feel that? Like that.

You know how it's said that we only use a small percentage of our brain. I believe it's also true with the body. Think of the process as also getting to know the territory. New places to discover.

Here’s the progression and the themes/takeaways of the Sessions: Read each one as something you grock ...

[Q]: That's upside down!

["GA"]: The order is that way to indicate that the direction if "up". Just start at the beginning, and contemplate each of the themes. The images are there for what it's worth; my own doodles.

[Q]: One final question [for now]: Does it hurt?

["GA"]: It'll cost you everything you don't have. When do you want to start?

"Gravity Ace" Q&A [2]

QUESTIONER [Q]: So you do what? “Rolf Structural Integration” you call it? What’s it?

“GRAVITY ACE” [“GA”]: It’ll show you how to be yourself.

 [Q]: But I am myself!

[“GA”]: Indeed. Excuse me. My bad. So, let me ask you, how you doin’? How you likin’ it?

[Q]: You you’re gonna tell me how I should be?

[“GA”]: Yes. And, no.

[Q]: C’mon, man. Throw me a bone!

[“GA”]: I’m not going to tell how you should be, just give you a map for how you can get there, with a clear view of the road ahead. Well, not even "give". The map is already there, maybe let's say I encourage you to look at it.

[Q]: What in the Effen-Ef are you talking about?

[“GA”]: The work I do is typically formatted as a Ten-Session Series. In each session goal is the same: to spend that hour looking for a straight vertical line. Dr. Ida P. Rolf pointed to it as the central vertical axis of the human body. And, suggested that it is meant to match the simple Line of Gravity. Her approach basically nudges you toward that Universal standard. 

 [Q]: That’s it?

[“GA”]: Well, along with that verticality, there’s the necessary symmetries side to side; and corresponding levels front to back.

[Q]: Then what?

[“GA”]: You pay me. And, I say bye, bye. The light will be on if you want to return.

[Q]: So you want I should make an appointment?

["GA"]: I want you to decide for yourself. I have an opening tomorrow at 2 PM. Shall I book you in?

"Gravity Ace" Q&A [1]

QUESTIONER [Q]: Tell me, where does this Structural Integration you talk about fit into the grand scheme of things.

“GRAVITY ACE” [“GA”]: Right in the dead nuts middle. Between your knees, and between your eyes.

[Q]: What am I supposed to do with that!

[“GA”]: You can go and find yourself there. Living centered on the Line that is present right here, right now; that Line is anchored to the center of the Earth and reaches out to the limit of Cosmic Infinity, and back.

[Q]: Is this some kind of “spiritual” stuff?

[“GA”]: Of course. What’s not spiritual? If you want to talk “spiritual”, how about imagining living in true balance on Planet Earth. We can call it living the journey of Atonement.

[Q]: Atonement!

[“GA”]: I’m referring to The Atonement. The Path of healing the separation. Some might call it The Purification. The Great Rebalancing. The Tao. "Goin' with the flow".

[Q]: And Structural Integration comes in ... how?

[“GA”]: Living in simple “plumb and square” architectural body alignment. That puts you in right relationship to Mother Earth. Not separate. Get it? You walk the Earth kindly, as a steward of the great garden of nature and friend to all sentient beings. Really, it’s simply being yourself.

[G]: Myself? What else could I be?

[“GA”]: Indeed. Yes. How you likin' it? There may be those parts of yourself which may no longer be necessary, unhelpful, and inefficient, deficient. Old, unnecessary baggage. That past stuff needs to go for you to truly be yourself.

[G]: Okay, how do I do that?

[“GA”]: Spend some regular time sitting quietly. Just that. See what happens. As things may happen [thoughts, feelings], just sit in choiceless awareness. What should stay will stay, what will go will go. Automatic. Easy Peasy.

[Q]: Just like that?

[“GA”]: Bingo! Just try it. You’ll see.

[Q]: And, Structural Integration?

[“GA”]: It helps the process to be in balance.

[Q]: I get it. So now I should see someone like you to get into that process?

[“GA”]: Perish the thought! Sure, someone like me has skills to apply to assist you in finding your true balance. But, human beings have an innate capacity to heal. Including healing body imbalances. If you look at all those past conditionings that are not working from the point of view that they shape your experience, they shape you ... then do it yourself. Let go of past stuff that doesn’t work. The body goes along and will find its balance automatically.

If you want a hand, you know who to call.

 Chatting with Gravity.

"GRAVITY ACE" ["GA"]: Good day, and thank you so much. So great to have you chat with us.

GRAVITY [G]: You are welcome. Happy to be here. [Like as if I'm not [here] ... What, you ask? Ever here. Get it? As in, never not.]

"GA": You seem preoccupied? What's up?

G: Yes. I was thinking that that it's ironic to be "happy to be here", as if I just walked in off the street. I seem to be something ineluctable, constant, and ever present 
[that is, when words are used, otherwise ineffable].

"GA": I recall Dr. Ida P. Rolf speaking to how Gravity is a constant. A reference, if you will.

G: Yes, I will.

"GA": What? You "will" to be constant?

G: No. My will is constant. Constancy. Con-stance. "With Standing."

"GA": Well, then what is your will?

G: Simple. Keep things straight! Or, for you dumbass ignoramuses ... straighten the frick up! There's more. Lot's more. But, baby steps. You can't reach for the stars if your aim ain't true. So, first, straighten up, and fly right.

"GA": Constant, I get that. But, is there movement in it? Direction?

G: Absolutomento! Straight Up! [Gad! Do I have to repeat myself on that?!]

"GA": Just up?

G: Look. I'm talking to you about something which is as plain as a mud fence. Maybe you could brush up on your General Semantics?

"GA": Huh?

G: Like you should know by now that "up" needs a "down" to be up. [It works the same the other way.] 

"GA": So there's a polarity?

G: Yes, And, don't let the coming polar shift find you standing beside yourself.

"GA": "Shift"! "Polar"! "Polar Shift"!

G: I'm attempting to say there's a choice. Either to take your sense of things [including, BTW, what you take yourself to be] from your surroundings and circumstances. Or be mindful that you also have a sense of yourself in your own right 
— but to certainly please do factor in your surroundings and circumstances. It's tangible. You're always really aware of it. [Just painted over some.] Try this: Raise your hand. Alright. You know you raised your hand. Right? It's like that. It's just there to see.

"GA": Is that so?

G: Hey! Wakey, wakey. I'm what's so. Not all of it. But, a goldang big part of all of it. My best feature is that I, like I already said, I am "ineluctable, constant, ever present". And, if I may pick on a bone, something that your kind has yet to figure out is that I'm like a source. A source of whatever. And, a source to Source. Wise the F up!

"GA": Language!

G: "Language". General Semantics, bruh! Language is not just in words. There's body language. Sign language. Languages ... so many! The "Language of Love". I have a language. I'm talking to you, sure. But, I'm always talking ... but, not with words.

When you have my perspective the message I'm getting from all over your lovely planet is that things need to be straightened out. I'm deducing that from seeing all the sturm und drang being staged, with the actors unaware that the underlying problem is that they are "at war with Gravity" [props to Dr. Ida P. Rolf for that firm grasp of the obvious].

Maybe since you're going to the Library on General Semantics maybe pick up on Carl G. Jung. You may have heard how he brought to light that what you don't bring to light [from within yourself] will come out in front of you and bite you in the ass, and you'll think it's coming from somewhere other than you. Dig it.

"GA": Straightened out. You mean like living with my body balanced in line with Gravity?

G: Well that is one thing. Body structure. Yet, there's also "straightening out" in the structure of world society. How we've set things up among ourselves. Our psychology.  And, what is working; what's not. Trouble is there are some faithless, bad actors who want to have it to themselves. Zero sum, I think it's called: "Win/Lose". 

"GA": Now you are teaching about something that is not just about tangible physical body balance. But, even so, it might be something that a balanced body would appreciate?

G: Whatever. And, yes. Look. It's just sort of obvious that the world is mucked up, isn't it? Not the Real World. But the made up world; of labels and agreements and concepts. There's plenty of evidence for what I'm talking about. You yourself may have had a moment seeing it's Mashuga!

"GA": Oh, Great One! Please! Please tell us what to do?

G: Kiss my ass! "Great One!" Duh! As if I never was. What to do? What to do? 

Choose: 1. "You do you" [as in same old, same old]. 
Or ... 2. Get yourself right! You! 

Never mind about anyone else. Your problem is that you go around living as if everything is separate. Fool! Wakey, wakey.

"GA": Not much more to say now.

G: Oh, I got plenty to say!

["GA": "Gravity Ace" has just been in conversation with Gravity. Stay tuned for our next visit. Ta ta.]

Gravity. We usually talk about that it has to do with how things go up and down. Apples fall straight down. And, rain. And, Niagara Falls. You know. Like that. We “see” it outside of our personal selves; in the comings and goings of the World. We see gravity as a Line. Mostly, from the side.

There are other ways to look at Gravity. On the inside ... of it. Imagine the inside is what’s there when you cut a cross section of that Line of Gravity and you take a look.

Oh, and by the way, while a case can easily be made on how we conventionally “see” Gravity, as a Line [that we see in a lateral aspect], another view is to see that Line extending to the Center of the Universe. Pointing. Leading. And, coming back on itself like the Ouroboros.

So, we’re looking at that cross section of the Line of Gravity. What do we see? [Maybe the simplest answer will come with the question: what don’t we see?]

We notice some elemental things.

That Line ... it’s got no edge. In fact, it’s got no center. I believe there are as many different things to see in the Center of Gravity as there are, have been, and will be human beings. Or, Nothing.

[C’mon Man! It’s just me talking.]

But, hey! Don’t get me wrong. Even as your “Gravity Ace” I’m not suggesting that living in balance with Gravity is the end-all and be-all. I just can’t help but wonder what sort of balance is needed in all the other, holistically related areas of human life. And how each of those domains needs to be settled with the soul. Within the soul.

In other words, insofar as living in balance with the ecosystem is concerned, Rolf Structural Integration is a peerless and definitive approach to human balance on Earth. It enlists Gravity. Really, that’s all there is to it.

Lest my enthusiasm as your “Gravity Ace” leave the impression that it’s the only thing to do. Far from it. But, whatever might you want to do; don’t you think you’d enjoy yourself a bit more if you lived with bodily balance? “DO YOU REALLY WANT TO LIVE?”

Also, if you want to take a look for yourself at the Center of Gravity ... Go! Just take a hint from the quest itself ... Go Within. It just might speed up the process to organize your body so that you can live in harmony with the prevailing wind.

"The world is witnessing an acute conflict between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. On the one hand, there are selfish persons who seek their happiness blindly through lust for power, unbridled greed, and unrelieved hatred. Ignorant of the real purpose of life, they have sunk to the lowest level of civilization. They bury their higher selves in the wreckage of crumbling forms that linger on from the dead past. Bound by material interests and limited conceptions, they are forgetful of their divine destiny." 

~ MEHER BABA in Discourses

Who is a Gravity "Ace"? 

Short answer: you are! 


Yes. But, maybe not at the top of mind sort of thing. We all from the very first must negotiate the force of Gravity. No? [And, reminding: Gravity, it has no sympathy. It has rules.] 

Just like any structure on Earth our human body must obey certain laws to survice, to thrive. 

Take Gravity. Please.

Interested? So now, just how to "take" Gravity? Simple: Stand up nice and straight and easy. Imagine your body centered head to toe around a line that is anchored to the center of the Earth, and extending out to cosmic infinity. Or, in less New Agey talk ... up from your head. 

That's all it is. So easy, in fact, it may seem hard.

When you practice that you're on the way to being a "Gravity Ace". In fact, when you practice that you are a "Gravity Ace". A sort of self-induction to the Human Potential Hall of Fame.

You may ask, why the F do that? 

Dr. Ida P. Rolf said it succinctly: "When the body gets working appropriately, the force of Gravity can flow through, and the body spontaneously heals itself".

I that appeals to you, just start being a "Gravity Ace".

Do it! Yes, it does take doing. It's something we learn. Now, though, you have a lesson plan.


Some are in the practice big time. There are trained professionals who offer individualized assistance to learn to live with the body organized and balanced to stack up vertically, with everything level [horizontal] and even [symmetrical]. For those there is another category of "Gravity Ace" to embrace.

CLICK for "Gravity Ace" Professional Certification.

Gravity and Aging…Word “Up”!

My approach to health is based on balance. Balance in Gravity. That's Rolf Structural Integration. I’m also for approaches which stand for everybody using the innate resources at hand to empower and enrich their lives. As Henny Youngman might say…"Take gravity, please."

Dr. Ida P. Rolf saw chronic symptoms such as pain and stress, fatigue, poor self-image, early aging as “…signals pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structure, as well as others, that it has been ignored. They are at war with gravity.” 

She developed an approach that offers personalize assistance to individuals to live effortlessly upright, stress free, and supported by the energy field of the earth itself. Her big idea: "Gravity is the tool. Gravity is the therapist."

Imagine that. Talk about deep ecology! The force of Gravity itself is a vast untapped, universally available and ever ready natural resource for human health and wellness. 

An old friend of mine recently (finally!) got it about Gravity and said, “It’s amazing that with all the interest in ecology and natural living nobody’s talking about Gravity.” (Much less doing anything with it, I would add.) We certainly wouldn’t buy that house if the foundation was off and the walls were cracking. Or drive down the street with our front end out of alignment. At Pisa I’ll let you take my picture next to the tower; but, no way am I going up there. But when it comes to our own physical architecture — how our bodies stack up in respect to the basic dictates of Gravity — we don’t look at our own stance in Gravity, how our own bodies stack up. 

My friend suggested that I write a piece on “Gravity and aging”. So here we are. Thanks, buddy.

There is a problem with talking about Gravity as such. Gravity is the most prominent physical force the body has to deal with. It is also so constant and ubiquitous a ever present in our life that it’s not noticed. Perhaps we’re reminded of its being there when we drop something or take a spill ourselves. Mainly it doesn’t register. It’s as if you asked a fish, “how’s the water?” “What water?” Imagine if human beings were adapted to gravity to the same degree as the fish are to the sea. If dolphins can leap into the air, what can you imagine humans could leap into? Art Bell listeners, stay tuned.

So what about Gravity and aging, you ask? Simply this … doesn’t it make just plain common sense that if you are not spending energy keeping yourself up, keeping yourself together, that you have more of it for living? You got to be in it to win it, though. And when your body is in balance along the lines of Gravity you will discover its inner secret: It uplifts you. It is supportive, nourishing. It energizes. You feel great. You live well. And you last longer too.

Now that you’re all convinced that you should have more Gravity in your life, now what to do? (While I offer clients personal assistance to balance their bodies along the simple lines of gravity, my aim in writing this is to give some pointers that will get you started. Should you want a helping hand, there are qualified practitioners in my field and in so many others that you can call on.) 

My Rx: This may seem a little strange to you at first; but you gotta try it. Just like when you drive your car you pay attention to the road (unless you’re one of those with a cell phone glued to your ear), so from now on—are you ready–feel your feet. That’s right, feel your feet.

Your feet are the foundation of your body, literally. By always feeling your feet you will start creating the habit of paying attention to your body. Such mindfulness will become an ingrained habit. It will grow to the point where you will become conscious of the felt sense of your whole body and the feelings that are moving through it. That’s when you will also be able to be aware of the signals your body gives when it is out of balance in gravity or any other way. Then you can make the necessary adjustments yourself. Comfortable, relaxed is the hallmark of living in balance. It’s in you. Go there. 

 Imhotep’s Secret ... Update

[Mystery in a Mystery]

Editor's Note: Since this stunning revelation was first published in 2015 new discoveries have come to light. If you are familiar with the original article, you will instantly recognize how "come to light" is a pun; but, maybe the hoped for key to a mystery deeper than even the pyramids themselves.

Entered in bold blue ink to distinguish new entries is the revised article which hopefully will fill in some of the blanks and answer many of your questions. 

Read on ...

Meet Imhotep, the designer of the very first pyramid. He was also a master of medicine. A great public official. High priest. Arguably, the very best of the ancient world. In modern terms, The Shizz.

Still the question we all want answered is just how they made the pyramids. Perhaps what will unfold here will point to the answer. Or, perhaps, when you read on and enter the hidden away secret ... more questions? 

It may be the stuff of the kind of higher knowledge the ancients took with them to their graves. Or, to wherever a civilization goes when their development and technology enable them to exercise the option to transcend this dimensional world. 

Some insight from Nisargadatta Maharaj: The world had all the time to get better, yet it did not. What hope is there for the future? Of course, there have been and will be periods of harmony and peace, when sattva was in ascendance, but things get destroyed by their own perfection. A perfect society is necessarily static and, therefore, it stagnates and decays. From the summit all roads lead downwards. Societies are like people — they are born, they grow to some point of relative perfection and then decay and die.

As you contemplate that sculpture of a seated Imhotep, surely it becomes apparent the great man himself embodied the very core principles to which the enduring pyramids stand in mute testament. Write your own words. It will be a list of the very best of human aspirations and virtues. And, a long one.

Not to go into too much detail, just to point out that Gravity has its rules. It behooves us to observe its dictates in our building architecture, and in the makeup of our own bodies.

Imhotep. There’s more to it. A rare story. A secret. Something so startling and fantastic you will think it is made up. So that you don’t lose sleep over it, or unnecessarily trouble yourself wondering about the implications of such things … yes, let’s say it is just a story.

So the story goes.

Inside that very first pyramid of Imhotep dated to the 27th Century BC is a secret room. Until recently, the very existence of such a room was itself a secret.

This just in: In actual fact, the existence of the room was spelled out right there for all to see at the main entrance to that pyramid. Just, though, only recently have the etched in stone proto-glyphic "scribbles" been deciphered. 

"100 cubits straight ahead, right for 6 cubits, right again for 23 cubits, left for 36 cubits, up for 79 cubits, turn right ... there you are. 
Where? It'll be a surprise!" 

Reads rather cute, we thought. But, something may have been lost in translation.

BREAKING NEWS!: That set of 10 glyphs may just be the "Rosetta Stone" key for understanding the motherload of such other glyphs as will be revealed later in your reading. Figuring out just what that brief set was communicating was sussed out only after the chamber was discovered. Mapping and measuring the path from the secret chamber back to the glyph plaque a team of experts from myriad and many fields intuited its inscrutable language. Easy, peasy.

Inside that room is a single object. One solid piece of Lapis Lazuli. And, of only the purest form and quality. As blue as the midnight sky. Only without even a speck of sparkling golden Pyrite. Amazing for any sized specimen, only this one measuring 3 meters along its length.

It could be described as approximating the attenuated shape of the human form. A perfectly rounded base, graduating to a slender pillar suggesting of legs, then a torso, and a perfectly round head. Three meters, and carved in its entirety with unique glyphs which have no correlates to any known forms of writing. 

Each inscribed glyph is inlaid flush to the stone with pure gold and surrounded by an inlaid gold rectangle. All of it perfectly smooth to the surface of the stone itself. 

At the very top of the head and the very bottom of the round base, 16 glyphs are arranged into circular pie wedges.

There is some conjecture the glyphs may represent the known range of human postures. Sort of a graphic statement of human physical motive potential. Perhaps. But, now, only for someone to decode the information.

The room — a sealed vault, really — which guards this immeasurably precious object is itself completely inaccessible. There's no passageway leading to a sealed entrance. Nothing. Not even a tiny portal(s) for viewing. We can imagine they needed a way in to construct the thing in the first place. How come, there's no way out? A mystery compounded in more mystery. Unknowable. For now, anyway.

So you are wondering by now, if the dern thing is all sealed up and all, how come you can know so much about it. Not very much detail to go into really; a hint: Akashic Records. Then, you might ask, how to access that treasure trove repository of all things, all times? Well, that's for us to know, and you to find out. So, enough of your silly questions. Read on ...

That chamber is measured symmetrical to surround the Lapis figure with 3 meters of clearance at the top, and at all four sides. If there were a chance to look inside and bring light into that eternally dark space, the walls are as smooth and reflective as mirrors, the dimensions of the room proportioned perfectly to view every part of that Lapis and gold monolith from any angle and position in the room.

Those walls, as are the ceiling above and floor beneath, lined entirely of the purest jade. Transparent as glass, deeply green and mirror-smooth. In squares exactly 10 centimeters to the side, and 1 millimeter thick. Each set and backed with gold surrounds. All flush to a glass-like precision.

The rational mind must by now be asking … why? For what purpose? This particular room with its content presents an enigma even more inscrutable than the pyramid form itself in which it is encased.

One supposes the speculation and implications about this mystery and its meaning would be as varied as is human motivation. Archaeologists would salivate over the prospect of such a career-making discovery. Museum curators or collectors of antiquities would be covetous. The more crass pecuniary types would see a once in a lifetime payday. The vain, jewelry. The merely curious, a sightseeing side trip. The mystic — the True Mystic, anyway — might hear of it and turn back inward and not give it another thought. The artist, certainly a wealth of inspiration. The designer and engineer would smile in simple recognition of the central tenet of all sound construction: Balance in obvious observance of the dictates of the Law of Gravity.

The decision to seal that chamber must've taken into account such human factors. For the truly insightful, the fact that it is forever sealed in itself communicates everything. As they say, this is one bone buried deep so the dogs won't get at it.

REALLY BREAKING NEWS!: Now we know ... how the contents and character of that room came to be known. A new technology based on the concept which may be close to breaking the code of Space/Time enigma itself. Infra-Atomic Phase Pulse Generation Echo Resonance. Simply put, there's this thingy that sends out something like an atomic level detailed and readable X-ray which essentially reports back on shapes and positions based on densities and distances and atomic composition. [Wish I had that when I was a boy wanting to sneak a peek into the girls locker room.] 

But, I digress. There's more!   

Truth be told, and most amazing of all, that perfect figure stands balanced at only the precise center of its vertical axis. Stop and contemplate that. It stands, literally, on a dime! Even, if that. Moving, if at all, perhaps only in sub-microscopic variances in harmony with the movements of the Earth. 

Nothing for support save the exquisite symmetrical and level proportions of its own composition. Even the density of the ground substance Lapis Lazuli must be homogeneous to ensure such perfect equipoise. To say nothing of the incalculable logarithmic calculus encoded into those glyphs; what with the thousands of them each uniquely different, and with each a different portion of gem substance excised, along with the corresponding, and also unique weights of the gold fills. One can only now imagine how such infinitesimal precision could only be possible in such a completely sealed environment; the least hint of air flow — maybe even a glimmer of light — would insult the ineffable grace and ease.

And, of course, the ponderous stability of the pyramid itself. Words fail. Stand next to it. And, know.

There's more to this balance business. It's not just the simple observance of the action of Gravity within the thing itself. Turns out that the pyramid which houses this mystery is positioned smack dab at the intersection of Earth's principal ley lines and in perfect alignment with the planetary movements coordinated by the point of the pyramid just touching the North Star at the exact birthday day date of Imhotep himself as seen when looking straight up the southeast corner of the pyramid from exactly the height measured from the calculation of the square root of the length of the circumference at its base multiplied times its height; maybe plus or minus a millimeter or so.

So here we have the secret to the pyramid itself? Or, a clue. Somewhere in its core, supposedly at the very center of its core, this minutely balanced figure … holding everything in place. So fragile a thing, really. Yet, perhaps also so strong. Powerful enough even, maybe to hold the Universe together?

So it goes.

ADDENDUM IMPORTANTE: For sure the story told is fantastical. But, let's not miss the more personal point. There exists within each of us such a secret room. Maybe not outfitted as described in the pyramid, but just as tangible — maybe even more so, since with some doing we can go there ... within ourselves. 

Imagine then, a place of centered stillness at the heart of every heart. Something we each can explore. A treasure compared to which this pyramid and its supposed secret is just a postcard from a nice trip.

Bonsai ... So Askew

How come that little tree is so off center?

I had the good fortune of taking a class once upon a time with the Bonsai Master Frank Okamura at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. He considered the cultivation of Bonsai to be a mystical pursuit.

It represents the connection between Man, God and Earth. That point remains indelibly crystal clear to me even after all these years from his kind and expert instruction. 

Between Heaven and Earth grow people and trees. But the trees, he said, are the crucial link. The Bonsai grower must communicate with the tree, which communicates with God.

So, where's the center line?

The center line is reserved for the Deity to descend and admire the beauty of mortal work.

Rolf Talks Golf

I channeled Ida Rolf. What?...Who?...Whether or not you’re into such stuff or whether you give a hoot about the game of golf, please read on. Dr. Rolf says makes some sense. Even for the non-golfer.

Dr. Ida P. Rolf founded Structural Integration. She had solid credentials in Bio-Chemistry and researched the causes and cures of chronic disease. Out of her findings she developed and then taught a unique approach to human health and well being. Her teaching now lives on in several accredited schools. The main goal of Structural Integration is to restore and evolve the body to its natural balance along the lines of Gravity. It is possible to do this because the human body is plastic; it can change. And, just like any other structure on this earth, the human body is subject to the force of gravity. So it makes sense that when the body is more symmetrical and stacked up vertically it should work better. Right?

As a long-time student of the work of Dr. Ida P. Rolf I think I may have imbibed at least a little of her essence. That’s where the channeling stuff comes in. Who knew? In the spot where I work her picture looms just over my shoulder. Listen to what she whispered into my ear. (Why golf? One of my friends who I’m inviting to come in for Structural Integration is a golfer. So relating the work to his interest was on my mind. Even if you’re not a golfer, see if what she says doesn’t also apply to you in some way.)

Ida was famously blunt in pointing out that most people live out of balance with respect to the demands of gravity. In her words, “they are at war with gravity.” (If you look at yourself and others you’ll see whether what she is saying is true.)

Ok, Dr. Rolf, what’s on your mind?

“I just don’t get it about those golfers. All that fuss about pushing a little ball around on the grass. To each his own. They spend so much time and so much money on what not and whatever. Lessons. Books. Equipment. Play, play, play. Practice, practice, practice. Well, I will concede all that gets some improvement by and by. Some, anyway. By … and … by.

The one thing that those … duffers … haven’t seemed to have stumbled upon is taking a good long look at the complete picture. The body itself and how it’s put together is a big part of what goes into the game. The human body in structural terms is supposed to work with the force of gravity. That calls for architectural balance — symmetry and verticality. But, if you bother to look, you’ll see that the average person lives with the centers of gravity of the major segments of the body slipped out from the central axis. As for symmetry…you may have an arm and a leg on each side, but how different they are! Goodness, gracious! A lot of energy, time, and expense is invested in lessons and equipment trying to compensate for some of those obvious but unrecognized physical imbalances. 

Why not do something to get the body itself into proper alignment in the first place! I didn’t make this stuff up, folks. I didn’t create a problem just so I would have something to fix. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. See for yourself what I’m talking about.

Your body is in balance or it isn’t. Usually a little of both. People at the top of their game in athletics and the arts already know how important cultivating physical balance is. How about the average Joe … And Joanne? If you were a putter, would anybody buy one? Would you? Are you hoping for yet another design gimmick so you can go get another big bucks driver?

So if I’ve offended your tender ego by suggesting that you take a firm grasp of the obvious, get over it. Suck it up and do something about it. You don’t have to go see David. He’s a nice boy, but he’s big bucks. Just think about what I’m telling you. You’ll know what to do. Your aunty Ida loves you. Now straighten up! Get yourself together!”

Whew! Thank you Dr. Rolf, ma’am. You said what I was afraid to say myself. Thanks for the compliment too. I think.



Ida P. Rolf, PhD (1962)

 Shake Hands With Gravity

Let it play ...

"Gravity Ace" Professional Status 

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The only source of every kind of benefit for others is awareness of our own condition. When we know how to help ourselves and how to work wi...