"Gravity Ace" Q&A [2]

QUESTIONER [Q]: So you do what? “Rolf Structural Integration” you call it? What’s it?

“GRAVITY ACE” [“GA”]: It’ll show you how to be yourself.

 [Q]: But I am myself!

[“GA”]: Indeed. Excuse me. My bad. So, let me ask you, how you doin’? How you likin’ it?

[Q]: You you’re gonna tell me how I should be?

[“GA”]: Yes. And, no.

[Q]: C’mon, man. Throw me a bone!

[“GA”]: I’m not going to tell how you should be, just give you a map for how you can get there, with a clear view of the road ahead. Well, not even "give". The map is already there, maybe let's say I encourage you to look at it.

[Q]: What in the Effen-Ef are you talking about?

[“GA”]: The work I do is typically formatted as a Ten-Session Series. In each session goal is the same: to spend that hour looking for a straight vertical line. Dr. Ida P. Rolf pointed to it as the central vertical axis of the human body. And, suggested that it is meant to match the simple Line of Gravity. Her approach basically nudges you toward that Universal standard. 

 [Q]: That’s it?

[“GA”]: Well, along with that verticality, there’s the necessary symmetries side to side; and corresponding levels front to back.

[Q]: Then what?

[“GA”]: You pay me. And, I say bye, bye. The light will be on if you want to return.

[Q]: So you want I should make an appointment?

["GA"]: I want you to decide for yourself. I have an opening tomorrow at 2 PM. Shall I book you in?

  “Gravity Ace” is a group for discussing the topic: Ida P. Rolf, PhD stood for the idea of learning to live in cooperative alignment with t...