"Gravity Ace" Q&A [3]

QUESTIONER [Q]: So let’s get into it some more. Tell me all about this Dr. Ida P. Rolf Method Structural Integration thing.

“GRAVITY ACE” [“GA”]: It’s an approach.

[Q]: Approach? To what?

[“GA”]: Toward true balance.

[Q]: Is it the only one?

[“GA”]: There's only one true balance. Gravity pretty much has spoken the last word on that point. As far as approaches go, it's the only one I know. To be sure, everything you do that's good for you goes toward balance. Indirectly. "An Apple a day." This approach is peerless and definitive. It deals directly with the issue of balance of the body as such. 

[Q]: Oh. I see. That business about Gravity, and living in alignment with its requirements. But what is the approach itself? How’s it work? What gives?

[“GA”]: It's 10 sessions. Which add up to a dozen.

[Q]: Huh? How do I get a dozen?

[“GA”]: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. See what I did right there? I got you engaged.

[Q]: Tricky, bugger!

[“GA”]: Actually, there are two sessions after the 10 series you do on your own. 

The first of of those is when you get home and go about doing what you do and you start to notice the changes resulting from your more in-balance body. First, you see what you got. Kind of like taking home the new car and digging it in the driveway. 

Second, you start to use your new skills. Not just that the body has become more efficient with fewer inner frictions, but also how you can literally choose moment to moment between balance and imbalance.

[Q]: On that second one. Choice?

[“GA”]: Presumably, now that you know the direction of balance you also now have the choice to go there. Or, not. The key is "loose and natural". Not rigid. If you wanna slouch, enjoy it. Just don't make it a habit. Actually, you should also be tuned in to the signals the body gives when it is out of balance. Just like that pang of conscience when you're a bad boy. Ouch!

[Q]: What if I don't get it?

[“GA”]: You might be one of those who drag around a long held position that nothing works. I don't work with people for whom nothing works. What's the point? Noting works. But, if you are open to that level of self-inquiry and discovery, then we can work together. You have to want to clean the plate I cook up for you. And, so you should know, as a cook, I'm not bad.

[Q]: So, those10 sessions. All the same?

[“GA”]: Yes, and no. 

The sessions are similar in the sense that each one focuses on that one main goal: inculcating what we respectfully refer to as The Line. An imaginary but real line where the center vertical axis of your body matches up with how Gravity acts; you guessed it ... in a line. Your body arrangement working constructively with Gravity ... that's “Structural Integration”.

[Q]: How do I know I can trust you?

[“GA”]: Trust yourself! From what I've already said, does it make sense to you? Do you want to look into it further? Try it?

One of the huge imbedded teachings in this Structural Integration of mine is honoring your innate intelligence and power of choice. If you like what you've heard so far, maybe give a first session a try. The results happen right away. If it doesn't click, you don't have to continue. And, if it doesn't click, actually I won't want to continue with you. In such an event, it could be that we don't click, the two of us. We work on that too in the first session. But, if at the end you are clueless, I'm not your boy. I do think the work would do you a world of good, but maybe with someone else. Not everybody is my customer.

[Q]: Well, how are the sessions different?

[“GA”]: Each session teaches you something. Not very much at all in realm of what we call “book learning”. Words and concepts. No. It's really more experiential. Like the simple recognition of what's so; like you know if you’re on the beach, or in the water. That kind of knowing. You feel it. Same way you know you exist.

[Q]: Again. What’s the difference one session to the other?

[“GA”]: Each session builds on the other. There’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. [Like a dinosaur. Ha, ha.] Each session has it's own goal(s). And, by the way, in light of the individual session goals, there are obvious territories in the body where the contact and coaching are focused. 

[Q]: Contact and coaching?

[“GA”]: I use my hands. Think of them as pointers. Like, "Feel that there?" "Let's move it there." "Now there." Maybe fingers as lights, revealing what's there. And, by "what's there" we're referring to how it feels. Your felt sense of things. The coaching is about suggesting a movement(s) which engage and leverage with my manual contact; or, sometimes just to have you notice what's what. It's really very simple. Touch your nose. Feel that? Like that.

You know how it's said that we only use a small percentage of our brain. I believe it's also true with the body. Think of the process as also getting to know the territory. New places to discover.

Here’s the progression and the themes/takeaways of the Sessions: Read each one as something you grock ...

[Q]: That's upside down!

["GA"]: The order is that way to indicate that the direction if "up". Just start at the beginning, and contemplate each of the themes. The images are there for what it's worth; my own doodles.

[Q]: One final question [for now]: Does it hurt?

["GA"]: It'll cost you everything you don't have. When do you want to start?

"Gravity Ace" Q&A [2]

QUESTIONER [Q]: So you do what? “Rolf Structural Integration” you call it? What’s it?

“GRAVITY ACE” [“GA”]: It’ll show you how to be yourself.

 [Q]: But I am myself!

[“GA”]: Indeed. Excuse me. My bad. So, let me ask you, how you doin’? How you likin’ it?

[Q]: You you’re gonna tell me how I should be?

[“GA”]: Yes. And, no.

[Q]: C’mon, man. Throw me a bone!

[“GA”]: I’m not going to tell how you should be, just give you a map for how you can get there, with a clear view of the road ahead. Well, not even "give". The map is already there, maybe let's say I encourage you to look at it.

[Q]: What in the Effen-Ef are you talking about?

[“GA”]: The work I do is typically formatted as a Ten-Session Series. In each session goal is the same: to spend that hour looking for a straight vertical line. Dr. Ida P. Rolf pointed to it as the central vertical axis of the human body. And, suggested that it is meant to match the simple Line of Gravity. Her approach basically nudges you toward that Universal standard. 

 [Q]: That’s it?

[“GA”]: Well, along with that verticality, there’s the necessary symmetries side to side; and corresponding levels front to back.

[Q]: Then what?

[“GA”]: You pay me. And, I say bye, bye. The light will be on if you want to return.

[Q]: So you want I should make an appointment?

["GA"]: I want you to decide for yourself. I have an opening tomorrow at 2 PM. Shall I book you in?

"Gravity Ace" Q&A [1]

QUESTIONER [Q]: Tell me, where does this Structural Integration you talk about fit into the grand scheme of things.

“GRAVITY ACE” [“GA”]: Right in the dead nuts middle. Between your knees, and between your eyes.

[Q]: What am I supposed to do with that!

[“GA”]: You can go and find yourself there. Living centered on the Line that is present right here, right now; that Line is anchored to the center of the Earth and reaches out to the limit of Cosmic Infinity, and back.

[Q]: Is this some kind of “spiritual” stuff?

[“GA”]: Of course. What’s not spiritual? If you want to talk “spiritual”, how about imagining living in true balance on Planet Earth. We can call it living the journey of Atonement.

[Q]: Atonement!

[“GA”]: I’m referring to The Atonement. The Path of healing the separation. Some might call it The Purification. The Great Rebalancing. The Tao. "Goin' with the flow".

[Q]: And Structural Integration comes in ... how?

[“GA”]: Living in simple “plumb and square” architectural body alignment. That puts you in right relationship to Mother Earth. Not separate. Get it? You walk the Earth kindly, as a steward of the great garden of nature and friend to all sentient beings. Really, it’s simply being yourself.

[G]: Myself? What else could I be?

[“GA”]: Indeed. Yes. How you likin' it? There may be those parts of yourself which may no longer be necessary, unhelpful, and inefficient, deficient. Old, unnecessary baggage. That past stuff needs to go for you to truly be yourself.

[G]: Okay, how do I do that?

[“GA”]: Spend some regular time sitting quietly. Just that. See what happens. As things may happen [thoughts, feelings], just sit in choiceless awareness. What should stay will stay, what will go will go. Automatic. Easy Peasy.

[Q]: Just like that?

[“GA”]: Bingo! Just try it. You’ll see.

[Q]: And, Structural Integration?

[“GA”]: It helps the process to be in balance.

[Q]: I get it. So now I should see someone like you to get into that process?

[“GA”]: Perish the thought! Sure, someone like me has skills to apply to assist you in finding your true balance. But, human beings have an innate capacity to heal. Including healing body imbalances. If you look at all those past conditionings that are not working from the point of view that they shape your experience, they shape you ... then do it yourself. Let go of past stuff that doesn’t work. The body goes along and will find its balance automatically.

If you want a hand, you know who to call.

𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐤𝐡𝐚𝐢 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐮 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐞

The only source of every kind of benefit for others is awareness of our own condition. When we know how to help ourselves and how to work wi...