Rolf Talks Golf

Rolf Talks Golf

I channeled Ida Rolf. What?...Who?...Whether or not you’re into such stuff or whether you give a hoot about the game of golf, please read on. Dr. Rolf says makes some sense. Even for the non-golfer.

Dr. Ida P. Rolf founded Structural Integration. She had solid scientific credentials in Bio-Chemistry. She researched the causes and cures of chronic disease. Out of her findings she developed and then taught a unique approach to human health and well being. Her teaching now lives on in several accredited schools. 

The main goal of Structural Integration is to restore and evolve the body to its natural balance along the lines of Gravity. It is possible to do this because the human body is plastic; it can change. And, just like any other structure on this earth, the human body is subject to the force of Gravity. So it makes sense that when the body is more symmetrical and stacked up vertically it should work better. Right?

As a long-time student of the work of Dr. Ida P. Rolf I think I may have imbibed at least a little of her essence. That’s where the channeling stuff comes in. Who knew? In the spot where I work her picture looms just over my shoulder. Listen to what she whispered into my ear. (Why golf? One of my friends who I’m inviting to come in for Structural Integration is a golfer. So relating the work to his interest was on my mind. Even if you’re not a golfer, see if what she says doesn’t also apply to you in some way.)

Ida was famously blunt in pointing out that most people live out of balance with respect to the demands of Gravity. In her words, “they are at war with Gravity.” (If you look at yourself and others you’ll see whether what she is saying is true.)

Ok, Dr. Rolf, what’s on your mind?

“I just don’t get it about those golfers. All that fuss about pushing a little ball around on the grass. To each his own. They spend so much time and so much money on what not and whatever. Lessons. Books. Equipment. Play, play, play. Practice, practice, practice. Well, I will concede all that gets some improvement by and by. Some, anyway. By … and … by.

The one thing that those … duffers … haven’t seemed to have stumbled upon is taking a good long look at the complete picture. The body itself and how it’s put together is a big part of what goes into the game. The human body in structural terms is supposed to work with the force of Gravity. That calls for architectural balance — symmetry and verticality. But, if you bother to look, you’ll see that the average person lives with the centers of Gravity of the major segments of the body slipped out from the central axis. As for symmetry…you may have an arm and a leg on each side, but how different they are! Goodness, gracious! A lot of energy, time, and expense is invested in lessons and equipment trying to compensate for some of those obvious but unrecognized physical imbalances. 

Why not do something to get the body itself into proper alignment in the first place! I didn’t make this stuff up, folks. I didn’t create a problem just so I would have something to fix. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. See for yourself what I’m talking about.

Your body is in balance or it isn’t. Usually a little of both. People at the top of their game in athletics and the arts already know how important cultivating physical balance is. How about the average Joe … And Joanne? If you were a putter, would anybody buy one? Would you? Are you hoping for yet another design gimmick so you can go get another big bucks driver?

So if I’ve offended your tender ego by suggesting that you take a firm grasp of the obvious, get over it. Suck it up and do something about it. You don’t have to go see David. He’s a nice boy, but he’s big bucks. Just think about what I’m telling you. You’ll know what to do. Your aunty Ida loves you. Now straighten up!”

Whew! Thank you Dr. Rolf, ma’am. You said what I was afraid to say myself. Thanks for the compliment too. I think.